It’s that simple. Social media is equal opportunity. Put out good content, provide value and you’ll see a return.
With that being said there are a few ways you can leverage social media to promote your small business.
1. Engage with your customers
This is a simple fact of life, everyone wants to feel special. The more special you can make someone feel the more they’ll like you. The more someone likes you/your business, the more likely they are to buy from you.
With social media it is so easy to make people feel special. Like their posts, respond to their comments, comment on their posts, follow them, etc. You can even take it a step further and feature customers on your social media. Have a business with repeat customers? Make them feel special by writing a little post about them and putting it on social media. It all comes down to making people feel special.
2. Use Local Influencers
This is the easiest and most effective way to build social proof and convert new customers. People listen to friends, not ads. No one wants to see you push your business ads on them through social media 24/7, so have people in your target market do it for you. With local influencers you can have people in your target market post about your business. Like I said before, people listen to friends, not ads.
Having local influencers in your target market post about your business will not only build trust in your community and help you gain social proof, but will also help you convert customers. People are more likely to engage with a post of their friends than a business, having local influencers post for you will help you tap into this.
A great local influencer platform in REACHur| Local Influencer Marketing, but you can also just search through posts in your area to find popular social media users around you.
3. Establish Credibility
Like I said before, social media is an equal opportunity platform. It is the perfect way to prove you know your stuff and try to establish yourself as an expert in your field. (This is exactly what I’m trying to do with this post)
Write blogs that are helpful to your customers and relevant to your field. Once you write these blogs, post them on all of your social media accounts for your followers to see. If you can provide value to your customer base and establish yourself as an expert, you’ll convert customers much easier.
Your quest to establish credibility does not have to stop at blogs, you can create videos, infographics, podcasts, any type of content where you can show off your knowledge and provide value to your target market.
Leverage social media for your small business all comes down to providing value to your target market. No one wants Joe’s Pizza telling them how good Joe’s Pizza is. They want to see their friends post about Joe’s Pizza, then they want to see Joe’s Pizza post their process for making pizza. Engage your followers. People see too many ads per day to pay attention to them on social media. Create content that engages your followers and they’ll naturally be more inclined to purchase your product/service.
Whatever you do, please DON’T BUY FOLLOWERS AND DON’T BUY LIKES.
