REACHur is a platform that allows local businesses to run targeted social media campaigns using local atomic influencers. Atomic influencers are local, social media users that are looking to leverage their following. REACHur's main use is to target specific demographics through social media, by having members of your target market post on their social media accounts for you.
A quick example campaign to clear things up, think of a local bar that wants to attract college students for a slow Tuesday night. This bar creates a drink special for Tuesday nights but no one shows. Next Tuesday comes around and the bar decides to enlist the help of REACHur to get the deal out there. The bar creates a campaign that has atomic influencers that go to the local college post an instagram story for them. Not only has a notification been sent to the phones of every REACHur users that goes to the local college, but ten people post an instagram story, reaching all of their followers.

1. Start a campaign
You will have to determine your target market.
2. Determine the type of campaign you will run
There are 4 different campaign types, tweets, retweets, instagram stories and instagram posts.
3. Determine the number of interactions you want.
This is simply deciding if you want 10 atomic influencers to post for you or if you want 100, the more interactions, the more exposure, the more business. Once you decide this we notified our "REACHurs", atomic influencers, that match your campaign demographics, that they are needed for your campaign.
4. Keep track of your campaign through REACHur.
We will let you know how many interactions you received and the total reach of your campaign.