It seems like with the rise of retail giants and online shopping that it is impossible to start a small business. While the task may be daunting, local businesses are essential to the economy of this country and are a necessary building block of local communities.
There are a few ways to take advantage of being smaller than the retail giants. One way is to connect with your target market on a personal level. The most effective way to do this is through social media.
There are few must do's for local businesses on social media. One is to reply or like every comment on your posts. If users are taking the time out of their day to comment on your post the least you can do is acknowledge their comment. Another must do is posting frequently. Posting frequently keeps customers engaged and always keeps you in their mind.

A great way to connect with local individuals through social media is REACHur. REACHur is a platform that connects local businesses and local social media users. Your local business can have social media users in your target market post about your business. The posts can be about anything, a new menu item, and upcoming event or a sale going on. REACHur is the only way for local businesses to connect directly with their target markets. To learn more go to or email