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How to deal with strict marketing regulations as a franchisee

Being a franchisee and promoting your business locally can be a little tricky. There are usually regulations and strict policies from the corporate office that you have to adhere to. The least expensive and easiest way to put your own personal touch on promoting your franchise is social media. As stated before, there may be rules against operating a social media account for your franchise.

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No worries, here are 3 easy ways to promote yourself on social media without a business page!

1. Your Personal Page

If there are rules in place banning the creation of business social media profiles for your franchise you can always turn to promoting your franchise through a personal page. You do want to be careful to not spam out your personal account with constant ads about your franchise though. Continue to share personal updates about yourself to your followers and use social media as you usually would, but sprinkle in some promotion for your franchise.

Always add some value through your promotions on your personal page. If you are having a special deal coming up, tell your followers that you wanted them to know about it first. Give tips that are relevant to your business. (If you own a restaurant, give your followers tips on ways to improve their cooking) Just make sure that your posts are interesting and your followers will take time to read them.

2. REACHur

With REACHur you can have real people in your target market post ads for your business on their personal profiles. REACHur is an alternative to Facebook/Instagram ads that is more effective and easier to use.

Check out to learn more.

3. Collaborate With Other Local Businesses

If your franchisor does not allow you to operate a social media page, there is no reason you can't collaborate with other local business pages to tap into their following. A great way to do this is through partnered giveaways. You can partner with another local business (non-competitor) to giveaway gift cards to your business through their social media.

With this method your franchise will be getting exposure to local people through other local businesses social media pages and you will be creating valuable relationships with those business owners.

4. Encourage Customers to Leave Reviews

Every customers that you serve is an opportunity to boost your online presence. Encouraging your customers to leave reviews on Yelp, Google, and Facebook is an easy way to gain exposure for your business for free. You can encourage your customers to leave reviews by offering a discount or free add on, or you can have signs around your business asking customers to leave reviews.

5. Employees Personal Profiles

Another way to promote your franchise on social media is through your own employees profiles. Similar to posting on your own profile, ask your employees to post special deals and important news to their own profiles as well. Having employees post to their profiles will help you increase your organic reach within the community.

The strict regulations from your franchisor may stop you from having your own business page but it can't stop you from using social media to grow your business!


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