When it comes to starting a new local business, there can be plenty of things to worry about, from taxes, to legal structures to marketing. We're going to focus on marketing today, specifically using social media to create excitement for your business.
Your social media pages should be up and running well before the launch of your business. This will help to create excitement and gain some fans before you even open. The more buzz around your business before launch the better.
Post high quality videos of your team working towards your launch and introduce the communtiy to what you are doing. Any business can be visually appealing with the right pictures and videos. Putting relevant hashtags will help your posts gain more attention too.

REACHur is an easy way to get local social media users to post about your business. REACHur will have local social media users in your chosen target market post on their personal social media accounts about your business. This "atomic influencer" marketing will help your business reach more people and gain excitement about your opening.
All of these strategies are great for starting a local business and also good habits to keep up with once your business is launched.