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Top 5 Ways to Advertise Your Business for less than $50


Advertising your business can sometimes seem like an expensive and time consuming task. It doesn't have to be. There are plenty of inexpensive ways to advertise your business effectively on a tight budget. Here are the top 5!

1. Social Media

This one should be obvious. In this day and age every business needs to be on social media, it doesn't matter if your target market is older people or younger people, you need to be on social media. Having an active social media page helps to build your businesses credibility. When people come across your business, the first thing they're going to do is go on Facebook or Instagram to check you out.

Your profiles need to be completely filled out. You need to have a clear profile picture, a bio that describes your business, and a username that is easy to understand.

Make sure that you are posting frequently and posting engaging content... which leads us to our next way to advertise your local business

2. Content Content Content

Figure out what you're good at and capitalize on it. If you are good at taking pictures and your business offers opportunities for pictures then post those pictures to social media.

Are you a good speaker? Create a podcast and share your relevant business opinions with others.

Like to write? Create a blog to share tips to your potential customers.

There are so many ways to create content you just have to find what you're good at and do it! Make sure your content is high quality and interesting so your potential customers will take a few minutes to watch/view/listen/read.

The key to content is quality>quantity. Producing 1 high quality piece of content per week is much more valuable than creating 5 low quality pieces of content.

3. REACHur

With REACHur you'll have real people in your target market post your ads on social media. This is a great way to differentiate your business from your competitors.

REACHur can be used to increase brand awareness, promote limited time offers, or just engage with potential customers.

Learn more at

4. Collaborate

This is one of my favorites. Collaborating with other business owners can expose your brand to a whole new group of people and help you create lasting business relationships.

There are a few ways to go about this, but the easiest is through social media. You can takeover each other's Instagram profiles for a day.

You can do a partnered giveaway with another business.

It could even be as simple as giving each other shoutouts on your page.

The point is using their influence over their followers to benefit your business. Collaborating with other businesses is a win win and should be fun for everyone involved.

5. Pass Out Flyers

This may seem a little old school but it works if done right. Passing out flyers is an inexpensive way to put your business in front of a ton of people quickly.

The best part about it, you can put a face behind your business. If you or whoever is passing out the flyers is friendly and knowledgable it'll help create trust and a connection with the people you're handing flyers to.

The key to this is being in the right areas. You need to be passing out your flyers to people that will actually become customers. So figure out your target market and figure out where they hangout and pass those flyers out!

These are 5 inexpensive ways to advertise your business effectively. I suggest trying out all 5 and seeing what works best for you. Once you figure out which strategies are most effective hone in on those and watch the customers flow in!


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