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Types of REACHur Campaigns

REACHur is a platform that connects local businesses and local social media users, helping the businesses grow and paying local social media users. REACHur takes influencer marketing and boils it down to the local level to become more cost efficient and have more of an impact.

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Have users in your target market campaign for your brand.

1. Twitter or Instagram followers

With this type of campaign, you can have users in your target market follow you on Instagram or Twitter.

2. Tweet or Instagram post

In these campaigns, user in your target market will post a tweet or an instagram post for you. They are required to leave it up for at least 48 hours.

3. Retweet

With this campaign, you tell users in your target market which tweet you want them to retweet and they will.

4. Instagram Story

In this campaign, users in your target market will post an Instagram story and leave it up for the full 24 hours.

With all of these campaigns, you will be able to see who has posted for you and and what they have posted with campaign specific hashtags and they will mention your business.


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